
maybe it's there for a reason

I note in the paper today that one can now subject themselves to an X, XX, XXX or XXXX Brazilian wax. I know, I'm just as gobsmacked as you are. For it is not every day that your long held belief that a Brazilian was a Brazilian was a Brazilian is shattered, that you realise there have been some serious advancements made in the field of hair removal and no one was so kind as to inform you.

But there are no answers provided, with this revelation. I've been left hanging like so many useless pubes. There are just so many questions. Can you get a half-hearted Brazilian now, as in a short back and sides? That logic you can understand - perhaps with an X they leave the landing strip and with the X+ we're talking a never-ending plain of flesh. But what about these in-between steps? I guess pubologists have to cater to all tastes today.

And how on earth do they roll out of bed each day with the prospect of waxing a dozen or so vulvas ahead of them? That's the bigger question, surely.

Go on, set me straight.


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