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There is a great temptation within me tonight to spout forth a highly negative post about the current state of affairs home and abroad. However, I am going to restrain myself.

No. No, I'm sorry, I can't. Stop provoking me. I am just not prepared to go to any length to explain how deeply depressed I am at the Australian public's choice of leader, and how after this many elections John Howard ceases to be a voting aberration, and instead a true manifestation of our current views and focus as a society. I simply won't comment on how the majority just love the work of Phil "Walking Dead" Ruddock, Australia's sweetest moral vacuum, Mandy Vanstone, the brainbuster and man about town, Tony Abbott, modest number cruncher and secret fun boy Pete Costello, or for that matter anyone on the amazing front bench of Team Howie.

I refuse to be pushed into exposing that it took the New Right's recycled leader, Kimbo, only 48 hours to show his wonderful plumage of mediocrity from the foldaway seat at New Right HQ in Canberra (or is it Sydney?). Nor will I elaborate how New Right are steaming into, well, New Right territory faster than a Shinkansen bound for Kyoto, relegating the ALP of old to nothing but a couple of posters of Hawke and Whitlam hanging up, somewhere.

I certainly won't bore you with how hilarious and farcical I found Sharon "Tiffany's" Stone plea for the world's poor at Davos. Nor how at the same event Johnny pulled a Copperfield and managed to fellate George from a couple thousand miles away, while Tony Blair continued to hold back Europe from re-balancing global diplomacy.

And there is just no damned way you'll get me onto the topic of the wonderful Guns and Ammo sponsored United States of Iraq elections. I just won't be goaded into revealing how wonderful it is to see the liberated people of the 50xth state dodge the suicide bombers and checkpoints to vote in an election where an ex-CIA operative is almost certain to be installed as the first president regardless.

No, what I really wanted to do tonight was comment on what wonderful weather we have had of late. I can't recall a Summer quite as pleasant. I really, really... really have enjoyed my Summer.


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