
do law R.C.M

Steve Jobs, what are you pulling out of your hat hey presto today? Has a brush with death pushed you to a greatness beyond your usual, almost-boundless, vision and now is the time to unveil the bi-product?

I'm all up for a little flash iPod, Sir. I can't quite justify the bigger brother HD based pods, but a small, cheap outlet for my Pixies and Miles Davis would be just so right. Not to mention it would be a heller nifty way to transport files to and fro.


Yes, there's a minor interest in tech. While I am predominantly a participant [in the more agreeable and all-welcoming elements] of high culture - for want of a better term - I do dig on the tech. Don't always buy it, mind you - the sensible part of the brain usually steps in before the credit card swings into action.

After all, a trip to France is preferable to a 32 speaker surround setup.


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